Lending Partner
Prefr Pincode availability
🔹 100% digital & paperless process
🔹 No Collaterals
🔹 Tenure- 12 to 48 Months
🔹 Borrow loans from Rs.25,000 to Rs. 5,00,000
🔹 Fast flexible credits for your personal use
🔹 Fast disbursal
Eligibility Criteria
🔴 Age: Between 22 to 55 Yrs
🔴 Pincode Available : 11000+
🔴 CIBIL : 675+ (700+ recommended)
🔴 Max 2 enquiries last 7 days
🔴 Citizen: Indian
🔴 Employment Type - Salaried & Self-employed
🔴 Income-
➖ Salaried- 18,000 (Metro- Tier1 City), 20,000+
➖ Self-employed- min 20,000 or 22000+.
Documents required
🔹 Aadhaar Card
🔹 PAN Card
🔹 Bank account details
🔹 Aadhaar linked number
🔹 Net banking/ Debit ATM Card
🔹 Bank statements ( otp aggregator/pdf/net banking)
♦️ Now the customer will be redirected to the official website to register and apply for the loan.
♦️ Click on ‘Get Started’ from the screen. Then enter your mobile number and verify it with the OTP.
♦️ In the next step, mention employment type, organization type and net monthly income.
♦️ Now submit the personal details, like name, DOB, Email ID, PAN number, required loan amount and purpose of the loan.
♦️ Submit current and permanent address details. After that provide company and work details. Mark in the checkbox and give permission to verify Bureau data.
♦️ Now enter the OTP and click on ‘Verify’ then the details will be verified by the system.
♦️ In the next step your eligible loan amount will be displayed on the screen, enter the required loan amount, select the tenure and click on ‘Confirm & proceed’
♦️ Now the customer has to submit a selfie and KYC documents, and click on ‘Proceed’.
♦️ Click a selfie and upload it. If your mobile number is linked with an Aadhaar card then select yes, mark in the checkbox below, and click on ‘Proceed’
♦️ Now enter your Aadhaar number, re-enter to confirm it, and enter the security code, now select the option to get the OTP on your mobile number.
♦️ Enter the received OTP, create a share code, and click on ‘Proceed’
♦️ Review the details displayed on the screen and click on ‘Finish’
♦️ Now the customer needs to set up auto repayment, click on ‘Proceed’ and enter the bank account details. After that select, any one option ‘Net Banking’ or ‘debit Card’ to set up the mandate.
♦️ Now the next step, customers can see the loan agreement on the screen, mark in the check box to accept the T&C, and click on ‘I Agree’
♦️ Now the customer’s documents will be verified by the team, once it is done the applicant’s loan amount will be disbursed into their bank account.
🔵 Available for only new users (User should not have any existing relationship with Prefr)
🔵 Your customer has to get the Prefr personal loan by using this link for benefits.
🔵 Make sure that the same mobile number shall be captured in the account opening form for the loan product.
🔵 Customer mobile number should be linked with Aadhaar card.
🔵 Customer must complete the application on their device. if more than one customer use the same device to apply, then loan gets rejected.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Q1. Why ‘Prefr Personal Loan’?
-Prefr Credit is specially designed for salaried and self-employed people and It gives instant personal loans of up to 5,00,000 directly to your bank account.
Q2. To whom I should refer Prefr Personal loan?
-This loan is eligible for salaried and self-employed customers whose age is between 22-55 years Old and their monthly income is respectively 18K and 20K.
Q3. If the customer already has a relationship with Prefr will be eligible for New Loan ?
-No, Existing Prefr Customer has already been member of Prefr, They may get loan offers from Prefr. But Cannot Apply for New Loan.
4. How long does the application process take?
-The application process is very easy and should not take more than 15-30 minutes of your time.
5. How long does Prefr take to disburse its personal loans?
-Prefr takes up to 48 hours to approve/reject a personal loan application and additional 2 working days to disburse the loan amount.
Personal Loan